How To: Google Is Now Accepting Applications for Adventurous Glass Explorers: What Would You Do If You Had Glass?

Google Is Now Accepting Applications for Adventurous Glass Explorers: What Would You Do If You Had Glass?

Google Glass, the augmented reality head-mounted display, has sent ripples through the technology world ever since its inception in 2012—even warranting Time Magazine to recognize it as one of the "Best Inventions of the Year 2012".

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Today, Google announced that it's now opening up an exclusive opportunity to become a Glass Explorer. What this entails is that if you're chosen to be a Glass Explorer, you'll have the opportunity to purchase one Glass device, long before it becomes available to the general public.

To get on board, you'll have to tell them on either Google+ or Twitter what you would do if you had Glass, using the hashtag #ifihadglass. Also, there are few more rules to follow:

  • Must include #ifihadglass (to reiterate)
  • Must be 50 words or less
  • Can include up to 5 photos
  • Can include a short video (15 secs max)
  • Must be at least 18 years old and live in the U.S.
  • You can submit up to 3 separate applications

Also, you must follow them on Google+ (+ProjectGlass) or Twitter (@projectglass) so that they can contact you directly. You can checkout the Google Glass website for more information on how to apply.

Google will select the top 8,000 applicants, and those that are selected must then be able to purchase (for $1,500) and pick up their devices from either New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles.

The deadline for applications is February 27th.

If you want to see what it's like to wear Google Glass—and what you could be getting yourself into—check out Google's new video below, which shows users taking photos, recording videos, chatting and texting, and surfing the internet on their glasses.

Awesome, right?

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